Monday, October 11, 2010


Perhaps the main point isn't in correcting that mistake;
Is it not more important
to remind ourselves to not commit it the next time round?


Maybe people decide to do every Goddamn thing which pleases others just to save the trouble of having to explain themselves. I can't lie, I can't fake anything and I can't fake apologies either. Correction, I don't want to.

I can only say I'm sorry I don't care about some matters enough, which I guess is what hurts the most. I hope I'll learn how to, and that's probably the only way to solve the root of the problem. No way am I going to try to put on an extra sorry face just to make someone happier/less angry when I only mean half of it. It's like pretending to get your ass out of a situation. No way hell no.


Where apologizing is for the sake of letting someone know you want to correct that mistake and to seek forgiveness, the more important part lies in not making that mistake again.

How many really mean that "sorry" they say? A sorry that would match the severity of the problem? An apology they really mean and not just done out of courtesy? Sometimes I wonder when an act of concern really comes from the bottom of one's heart.

How do people buy over acts of pretense so readily?


Learn to love and care for others, that it shall be. And for not being able to do this, I am genuinely sorry. I'm sorry I don't care enough. For this, I really am. I'll learn, I promise.

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